The premise that humanity needs to go to another planet because Earth is too polluted is a common one in science fiction movies and it drives me bonkers. Somehow writers don't seem to get that even if Earth gets nuked, climate change runs amok, and resources get used up, it is still about a billion times better than anywhere else.
You know what Earth, even a wrecked up Earth, has that Mars and Titan and Ganymede don't have? AIR. We have AIR here, air a human can safely breathe. That alone makes Earth, even a sad, down on its luck Earth, better than anyplace else.
But you know what else Earth has? Livable temperature ranges. Even with climate change Earth has temperatures in the -50 to +50 range. We can survive those. Mars is -60C. Titan is -179C.
Our water here is polluted. Our resources are being used. But you know what Mars and Titan and everywhere else doesn't have? Pure water! Fossil fuels! Strong sunlight for growing things and generating power! They don't have that stuff.
I mean, unless you go to Venus or Mercury. They have lots of solar power available. Also instant death, either by burning or disintegration, depending on which surface you land on.
It irks me even more when this sort of thing is used as a justification for colonization of other planets. Other planets are useful for research, certainly, but we haven't colonized Antarctica, and it is about a billion times more hospitable than anywhere off planet, so until we bother with that, then we have no business whatever thinking that colonizing other planets is a useful endeavour.
Maybe we will try to colonize other planets because GET EM, THAT'S WHY but let us not pretend it is useful for anything.
I just watched the movie The Titan and it set me off. The whole premise was standard nonsense - the Earth is in rough shape, so we will genetically engineer people to live on the surface of Titan, not requiring oxygen, and capable of hanging out in -179C temperatures. If we can do that why the hell aren't we genetically engineering people to live on the parts of Earth that are wrecked? It has be about a billion times easier and cheaper. The Titan was also a complete piece of garbage from about fifteen other angles too, but the idiotic premise was the cherry on top of a poop cake.
I know, I know, I shouldn't get all worked up about sci fi movies having idiotic premises. But the thing is, they don't have to be stupid. You could have a premise like Seven Eves, which requires humanity to find a new home in a way that absolutely makes sense. I don't mind people making up worlds with new cosmic phenomena or lightsabers or whatever but I do mind when the worlds they make up don't hold together at all and the characters' decisions make no sense.
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