Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I look scary now

 I have been gradually increasing my shagginess over many months.  My hair on my head was never going to look good, but I had some hopes that my beard would eventually be attractive.  That did not occur, and I am now quite sure that lots of hair is just a terrible look for me.

Yesterday, I finally decided I had to do something about it.  This is phase 1.  For years I had thought that maybe my hair was thinning on top, but I wasn't sure.  After letting it grow out though, that thinning is undeniable.  My dad now has more hair than me.

Phase 2 is me without the hair.  I saw a picture online of an older guy with buzzed hair and a huge beard and it looked fantastic, so I was wondering if I could successfully rock that look.  It turns out I cannot, and everyone who saw it was horrified.

It just doesn't do the thing I was hoping it would do.  Onto phase 3, which is just the same but with a less scraggly beard that has been trimmed down quite a bit.  People viewing my makeover were much happier with this look than the last - nobody likes the big beard on me.

This one is okay, but it just isn't great.  When the beard is shorter it doesn't fill in the way I want.  Also, a shorter beard isn't nearly as much fun to fiddle with, and it still requires maintenance.  Half of the draw of a beard is not having to maintain anything!  Time to take even more off.  Phase 4!

Back to my old look, the one I have been rocking for years and years now.

This is my best look.  I guess that is good to know, since I have had a goatee for about 25 years now, with a couple of six months beard growing stints that didn't work out.  I know this is just the way I should be, but every so often I have to test it out to be sure.

Now I need to endure a few days of Wendy and Pinkie Pie looking at me like I am an alien and walking around me staring whenever we pass one another.  They don't react well to extreme changes in my appearance.

Feel free to chime in about what look you like best, though it doesn't seem like I will be taking your suggestions unless they happen to fit the buzzed look at the bottom.


  1. Phase 1 makes you look more Winslow-like for some reason but the final picture looks like you!

  2. I've got the same thinning but a much lumpier head. No Good!!!!
