Monday, April 8, 2019

The apple, falling only a short distance

Recently Pinkie Pie decided to start blogging.  Not the same sort of blog as I have, where I yell about political opinions and vomit my brain onto the page, but rather a blog where she tells a story.  It is located at  It is just a few weeks old now with a couple of posts, but it is her foray into putting herself out there on the internet.  It is a drama of sorts, focusing on kids in school, but it has lots of supernatural elements.  The kids have powers, are directly related to mythological beings, etc.

I wonder how much of her decision is related to me writing here.  She knows about my blog, and has asked about what sorts of things I put here many times.  For her blogging is sort of a normal thing that adults do, though certainly she is aware that most of them do not.

Most parents, when their child does something, seem to desperately pump it up, telling the kid how good it is, and trying to get everyone else involved.  That is definitely not my way.  Pinkie Pie asked me to mention it here, and I did, but I won't be pitching it or trying to twist people's arms into offering support.  I can say though that her first attempt at writing is going a lot better than I had ever thought it would.  It isn't polished the way published material would be, but for something written by a couple of 12 year olds without much in the way of editing I am impressed.

The question is, will she keep at it?  When I first posted here I noted that the average blog has something like 4 posts in it.  1 really excited post, 2 mediocre followups, 1 long drunken apology for not writing, and then silence.  I have gotten well past that stage, and although I am posting infrequently here there days I do not expect to stop.

I certainly won't be apologizing for not writing.  Down that path lies madness.

But you never know whether a thing like this will seize you and sustain itself over a great deal of time.  Sometimes the most promising beginnings fizzle with no sense of why, exactly.  And sometimes a post made mostly on a lark becomes a ten year project, as this one did.

In any case, what she has so far is an interesting start, and you are welcome to check it out if you like stories about weird, magical teens getting themselves into and out of trouble.

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